• 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 556-0546‬
  • 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 556-0546‬

More Homes and a Meal…

Building the frame

The second phase of the interim homes building project is well under way with ten more houses built and more units being delivered. We will get as many built as we are able.

Project Nourish has also been able to get some more food up to the mountain to help address the hunger that we see there. I am excited to be returning to Haiti with a couple of guys on Wednesday! We plan to keep the building project going and assess some other issues including education, feeding, medical needs, and the like.

Stretching the sheathing

A meal for today…

On one hand, we are always pleased to see the progress that is being made. On the other, it is difficult to see the immense need all around. As I told a friend recently regarding our feeding programs; “they keep coming and coming and we all want to do so much more. We never run out of need…we just run out of rice.”