• 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 556-0546‬
  • 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 556-0546‬

Study or Practice?

So many times people study how to do things but never actually DO them! Well, I’m happy to report that a local Christian study group put into practice the giving they study and teach about.

Their meeting was over and at least half had gone home when one of the leaders told of one of our needs, namely to lease a house, that we had negotiated a price for, to use for a dorm on our group trips as well as an office space in Haiti. After hearing the situation a few went home and returned with a donation, while one or two went to an ATM, and others just dug into their pockets! Within about a half an hour or so, 1/3rd of the yearly lease amount was in hand to be sent tomorrow to seal the deal!

I guess the moral of this post is “practice what you preach!”