• 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 556-0546‬
  • 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 556-0546‬

Doing Business

“Hi” all. We’ve made some more contacts and begun relationships that hopefully prove out to be advantageous for all involved! There are a few people who have spoken to us sharing their desire to join with us by supporting our effort…and that’s exciting! It is really nice to build together and to enjoy thoughts of our potential as we work together.

Now I’ll give you an update. I received a call from a young lady that we helped start a new business. I think it was mentioned on the Sept. 7th entry, “Business Initiative”. She called to say that she began to operate the business. I asked if anyone bought anything yet and she said yes and that all the rice sold and she had to buy more! It was so exciting!! We are so happy for her and her family.

This photo shows the young lady in front of her new house/store. We are looking at a picture on my phone. Notice the small door at the left end of the building. That is where patrons purchase their goods. It is nice to see this endeavor showing early signs of success! And you contributors had a part in it!! So feel good about it with me, ok?!