Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
Last weekend we took a trip to Albany, New York to present for Project Nourish. We visited Solid Rock Church and Mark made a PowerPoint presentation to the assembly there. It was a solid presentation I must say! He did an excellent job and we’re fortunate to have him on our team.
We also had a meeting there to discuss some of our objectives in Haiti and concerning our administration here in the States. We gained some clarity of vision and Solid Rock graciously donated to the cause making the trip successful and rewarding! We look forward to working more with them in the future.