Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
We received some comments on the blog post about givers. I started thinking of the people who have so generously given during the last few months. Of course there are always needs to address and resources needed to accomplish them, but it’s good to occasionally reflect on the things that have been done and those who have contributed to the effort…
There was Ken who responded to our email with eight solar powered flashlights. Jen secured several boxes of diabetes test kits. Bert donated both a small generator and a laptop. There was Ronaldo donating hand sanitizers. APA church did a shoe drive and a raffle fundraiser. Wendy purchased much needed medicines. Susan donated hygiene items and volunteered to shop for items. Derek & Carolyn are our latest child sponsors. Joe gave us a water purifier on our word to repay him. David gave funds towards our land purchase. Dave & Carolyn gave the remainder of our dorm/office lease in Haiti. Paul donated his time to set up the child sponsorship program. Mark created the website. MaryEllen volunteered to help with shipping. Tom consulted with us regarding a data tracking system. Kenson shipped for us from Florida to Haiti…
Of course there are more, and some of these did more as well, but these come quickly to mind. We are so grateful for the growing family of Project Nourish helpers! We hope you join the family… if you haven’t already!