Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
There is so much need all around here. We are only able to touch a limited amount of people with the resources available. It becomes challenging to choose who to help when, if resources were there, we’d help so many more. One thing we notice is that there are some that think we Americans are loaded with money and are supposed to just give them money. Well… I have a problem with that! It seems so much more beneficial to come along side those who are working hard to better themselves and take care of their families.
In the picture above I am helping the gentleman in the middle with his “house” which consists of sticks and boards covered with tarps. The rain had filled the roof and broke the supporting boards so we pushed the tarp up to dump out the water. It was so heavily loaded with water that he was unable to lift it himself. He has a wife and young child and no place suitable for the family to live. There are so many stories like this throughout the area. With your help, we’ll address more and more of these in the future.
The next blog entry I’ll address the business initiative we spoke of earlier. Look for that and remember to send us an email letting us know your thoughts!